As with so many things, the imbalance is what gets us.
Raising kids can be so all consuming and, in our patriarchal systems, so extractive on women. And since we feel so many times we don't find empathy from the men in our lives about this burdening of women with the primary tasks of raising kids, we turn to all our sisters to talk about... life.
I guess it doesn't matter if you're talking about a woman/man conversation, or a mother/non-mother conversation - it always seems to slant towards supporting the person who has more "clout" as it's defined by the privilege based society we live in.
What we need is examples of conversations about life that honor and give weight to ALL life! Not just the life of whoever in the conversation gets more traction in the perceived importance of a patriarchal, dominance based systems.
If it strikes you, yes. Of course. But I see you as uniquely skilled and positioned to explain what reciprocal, respectful conversations might look like if we all had equal speaking time. Why? Because you're a badass and a wild-woman. You've gathered the bones and sung over them. You've lit the simmering fire of sacred rage and its power to change things.
And you're a prolific and gifted writer with a growing audience! Almost to that 100K mark! Woot - that's amazing! I'm still chugging along looking to cross the 3K mark. But it's slow going.
Have you read this one of mine? Sending for good vibes: