Because as you said - we ALL have a responsibility to name and help heal the sickness.
Not because you have a dick. But because you actually are not one.
Defensively telling a woman to woman up and start organizing against violence is myopic. It’s self centered. It’s shortsighted. And it’s inflammatory.
This is a full human problem.
It’s not one that men should demand women take full responsibility to solve - while not implicating the few “good men” that have for centuries passively allowed this kind of shit to happen, never calling out their brothers for their crimes.
It WOULD be bigoted to call all men rapists Clealry, YOU are not a rapist..
However it’s NOT bigoted to call on ALL men to stop ignoring the systemic issues that allow rapists to thrive.
And it is privileged and ignorant to tell women it’s their job to stop rapists and change the system, without also admitting that men as a whole have a serious issue.
The issue is not rape.
It’s the fact that that armed rebellion has never happened. Not because men are being raped and killed. But because not enough of them care that women are.
Consider Gisele Pelicot.
Village of 6000 French folk.
Half of them men. Maybe 2/3 of them adults. Call that 2000 men.
90 people recruited to rape her while she was sedated.
Not one man went to the police.
Not one!
Can’t you see how angry I am?
Yes, YOU have work to do. So do women - I’m admitting that. But it’s crystal fucking clear even if you’ve personally never lifted a finger to harm a woman.
And instead. you’re in here calling ME a bigot.
You’re the one with the butt hurt feelings.
You’re the one demanding respect.
Do you see the problem?