Brilliant piece here Russell.
As a remote worker in a leadership position, this is how I do my 5 hour workday. Well. 5 paid hours and the rest is unrecognized by the formal economic system.
7:30 - 8:30 I make school lunches and my husband cooks breakfast, then we get our kids out the door for school which starts at 9 am
8:30 - 9:30 I eat breakfast, drink coffee, and relax outside and do some qigong and stretching.
9:30 - 11 am First work sprint - check my task lists and do my urgent work.
11 - 12 pm lunch break / house chores
12 - 2 pm second work sprint
2 - 3:30 pm go to the gym — roughly 3 days a week. The other 2 days when I’m on kid pickup, I work.
3:30 - 4:30 pm either third work sprint, or pickup kids from school — 2 days a week. Yay for the carpool!
4:30 - 8:30 pm family time & kids to bed
8:30 - 10 pm spend time with my husband and get to bed early.
Makes sense to me!