But children are supposed to play games.
Is it surprising in a world where the hero’s journey is considered the ultimate adventure that the ego would be full of itself? We are all very much still children in a way. Collectively at least.
This feels kind of like when my 7 year old tells me, he already knows math. His confidence comes appropriately from his limited experience, and time will teach him the rest. He will learn that he still has much to learn.
Humanity as a whole has been playing The Game now in all of its multivariate facets for a long time. But the current world situation is bringing things to a head.
We will either make it through this rite of passage into the humility and soul purpose of adulthood, or we won’t.
Maybe if we do, the McMindfullness (great term) phase will come and go. And we can get back to our collective cushion to practice.