Charlie Bartlett I have a question for you.
I’m a cis-white-woman who for all the world wants to support my LGBQTIA+ peers in the world. I see people who don’t fit the gender binary, and want to be able to interact with y’all in a way that shows my support of your verve and strength in the face of this wacky world’s prejudices.
But I don’t want to be weird. Or awkward. Just respectful.
I didn’t grow up knowing anyone who was really trans, non-binary, or any other variation beyond straight and, rarely, gay.
I don’t KNOW how to interact on a respectful level while still really letting you know I see and appreciate you.
How do you want the average cis-person to interact with you?
What would that look like and feel like to you?
I truly want to know, and I can’t find anything written about this.