Did You Grow Up in a Peaceful Home?

With even-keeled parents who had balanced nervous systems, good communication, and skills in holding strong, clear, and healthy boundaries?

Kaia Maeve
7 min readSep 26, 2022
image created by an AI generator PROMT: angry woman

Yeah, me neither.

None of us did.

And I’m not saying this to blame prior generations. They were just doing the best they could. Even though it wasn’t always so great.

Without clinging to victimhood, knowing what’s gone wrong with the system at large is going to be necessary if we want to collectively evolve into something healthier.

Our generation today is the first to have access to the study of being that is allowing us to see what’s happening on the macro level.

Maybe knowing this is part of the puzzle?

The Human Condition Today is Directly Related to Millenia of Our Collective Disconnection from The Sacred Feminine

All this daft nonsense we see playing out on the world stage today has its roots in a long arc of human hubris. A long chapter of history married to the seductive lure of the false premise of domination.



Kaia Maeve

I teach corporate leaders how to keep their best people happy to come to work by building a healthier company culture.