Fascinating & yes, I’ve played both roles in their time. But to me, slavery hasn’t been part of the equation . Especially as a witch.
However, I agree that each of us absolutely has a right to our own perspective. I’ve said that several times. And, yes, more room for civilized disagreement is sorely needed. You’re so right on that one.
Perhaps I’ll just say that your tone raises a defensive reaction in me. And maybe that’s not bad or good. It just is.
I’m learning in my own life that the way in which I choose my words has a huge impact on how they’re received. Having been on this platform now for 5 years plus, effective communication is kind of a joint responsibility.
As women especially, we have this ability to see things from many perspectives.
Calling back to witches and strippers, and thinking forward into roles like wife, mother, and writer - maybe it’s that flexibility to see things from all angles, and to communicate gently is the calling?
There are many ways to see things. But the only good way to communicate is with both compassion and empathy for another persons pov?
I choose not to be a slave to my roles. Instead I’d rather be a student.