I could not agree with this article more.
The gendering of the terms is a manipulative tactic used to divide, not unite!
What if instead of feminine, we used non gendered words like, inner, yin, or immanent. What if instead of masculine, we used external, yang, transcendent, etc…
Gender is an epigenetic social construct. It’s like saying he’s a republican and she’s a democrat. Biological sex is a physiological expression of genetics.
One you choose. One you don’t. So why must they be linked? Why must men have to be “masculine,” or women “feminine,” unless that’s a control mechanism?
Answer - they don’t. And yet…
Both modes play a role. Polarity is real. And both masculine and feminine traits in BOTH men, women, and any other biological expression of being human should be respected.
Today the unobjectified feminine is mostly denigrated no matter where it is. It’d sure be nice to address THAT.