I think we are getting there. Or at least headed that way. Maybe.
Would we be able to write so freely as we do if this weren’t the case? Idk.
Dr. Riane Eisler refers to the chaos theory and the rapid shift that can happen with strange attractors.
She proposes that andocracy (another version of the patriarchy) could be rapidly shifted towards a better paradigm by an accumulation of energy around a strange attractor.
If you haven’t read The Chalice & The Blade, you might enjoy it. Your work seems like you’ve got the chops for a deep and rather academic read. 🤓
That’s a compliment btw. Lol.
I believe, or maybe just hope, that by leaning into the strange attractor of a more balanced and partnership oriented model, we are working to shift the whole system back towards balance. I think the COVID, and the breakdown of decrepit and broken global systems might be part of the shift as well. Election 2020 anyone?
Here’s hoping.