I was talking to the little boy just yesterday. He was dressed as a character from the show Naruto, and he was telling me that his “friends” at school were making fun of him because his costume had pink accents on it.
You know me. I challenged him to ask if he thought boys were worth more than girls. He said, no of course not.
Then I asked if he thought girls were worth less than boys. He struggled to answer this one.
Then I asked him if any humans would be here if it weren’t for women. And I asked him if he thought any humans would be here if there weren’t men too. I told him that we are ALL important and that he should be wary of the message that boys are better than girls because this simply is not true.
It’s so sad to me that this training of little boys to disconnect from themselves starts so early. And despite all that we know, it’s STILL happening this way.
Work to be done.