I worked the day shift at a club for a while, and most of my interactions consisted of sitting and conversing with men. The stage was SUPER awkward for me, but chatting with guys was easy.
I think my favorite interaction was the time I did a dance for a Muslim man who was in strong rebellion against his faith and family by being at the club. His eyes literally bugged out of his head when I, in my thong, sky high clear acrylic heels, and body glitter, dropped a verse from the Quran (in Arabic) on him to speak to a different perspective on "good deeds and patience." Sura'tul Asr if you're curious.
Three cheers for dancer-researchers. I can resonate with that! And this well-written piece.
Too bad strip clubs often have to serve as a kind of pressure release steam valve for a broken culture. It would be nice to find a less commercialized way to allow men and women to be in this kind of relationship that honors the carnal side of our nature.