If the situation was reversed, there wouldn’t be a huge gender gap amongst the 1% or the rest of the population. If we didn’t live in a society that told us men work outside the home and a woman’s place is in the home, do you think people would choose differently?
On some level, I agree with you. We do make choices, and the world responds accordingly. But…
If we, collectively as humans, make the choice to bear and raise children for the continuation of our species, that requires some sacrifices. And more often than not, our culture dictates who makes the sacrifice, and who doesn’t.
Women sacrifice their career, earning power, and quite often delay their personal pursuit of actualization and financial success in order to stay home and raise kids. Men could make this choice as well, and thankfully, more men are doing this. If you read the writings of men who are in this category, you will see that they struggle with many of the same things that women have been saying for many many years.
When the numbers equal out — for pay, for career advancement, and for success (however people choose to define this) — then what you wrote WILL make sense. But for now, this equity simply doesn’t exist. I hope for a world where someday it will.