If you look deeply, all the witches from history were just women living in alignment with the life force. Women who knew and respected the power of herbs and plants and birth and death, and the sacredness of life as it comes into this world… through the very bodies of women.
These women were branded as evil because they wouldn’t bow down before the transcendent masculine who gained and kept power through violence and domination. They refused to accept that the power to kill was greater than the power to give birth.
I love your article. I love the “Elphaba Effect” you’re talking about. I love the idea of reclaiming “wicked” as the best, instead of the worst.
And as a woman of Scandinavian descent, born of a line of midwives and herbalists, I’ve always felt comfortable in my wicked skin.
You might like my poem about just exactly how we might go about reclaiming “wicked feminine power.” It’s called She Has Come