I’m gonna say something controversial here, but hopefully you’ve read enough of my pieces to know this isn’t Stockholm syndrome.
I think the patriarchy will persist until men realize just how screwed THEY have been by it. The system of #manbox enforcement can turn men into isolated monsters.
And isolated monsters are no fun to be in relationship with.
Men fall into the role of enforcing the patriarchy through their own disconnections.
And duh, everyone else suffers the consequences.
But we won’t save women until we are willing to start think about about saving men too. I’m not apologizing for men. I’m just recognizing what a terrible thing it must be to have been socialized to perpetuate the system that hurts everyone!
You’re so right - lack of equality hurts everyone.
Thank the goddess for the men who’ve reconnected with themselves enough to care!
If you really think about it, the #manbox guys have it all wrong when they say, “Don’t be a pussy!” Because, really, a pussy is one of THE most amazing things to ever be or embody. just sayin’…