I’m not arguing that people are dying.
But I do know that trying to make sense of things using CDC data is probably going to raise more questions than answers. They announced they stopped tracking most breakthrough cases in May. So of course their numbers are going to skew your graphs. That was all I was saying.
What gets me, is if the vaccines effectiveness is down to 42% (from the original 99%) and vaccinated folks can still spread the virus to the immunocompromised, then what’s with the massive witch-hunt against people who haven’t gotten the shot yet?
And how many people dying from COVID right now have underlying conditions that come not only from poor nutrition, but also stress, respression, depression, trauma, addiction, and other chronic diseases? This isn’t a moral question about who’s living better, it’s a dissection of the all cause death report that comes out every week in the USA. And it does NOT match the mainstream narrative.
Joe, I dig your writing, and I know you’re way smart. This isn’t a knock on your piece or the angle you took with it. It’s just an honest query of your data source.