I’m So Ducking Over It!

Swearing & the ridiculous censorship of autocorrect

Kaia Maeve
2 min readSep 29, 2023
Photo by Biel Morrow on Unsplash

Who’s with me?

Listen, autocorrect. I don’t know why you keep trying to stop me from swearing, but I’m ducking over it.

I’m a grown elf woman, and I’m perfectly capable of deciding when the duck it’s appropriate to drop the duck bomb in a text message!

What’s your issue?

Didn’t the algorithm that passes for your brain suck in the study about swearing being an effective way to dull pain? It’s called hypoalgesic pain remediation.

How about the one that shows the profane among us enjoy higher levels of trust among our peers?

Or this one that says potty mouth is actually a sign of high intelligence?

How’d you miss those?

I had time to read them, and I’m ducking busy raising kids!

And I’ll tell you what.

There are a lot of opportunities for profane pain relief in the world these days.

I hear people in the business world swearing all over zoom these days. Have to admit, it makes me giggle.

GenX is gonna change this world in subtle ways like this. I delight in the subversity!



Kaia Maeve

I teach corporate leaders how to keep their best people happy to come to work by building a healthier company culture.