Our Planet Isn’t Actually Dying

Do you want some hope? Try a big reframe.

Kaia Maeve
4 min readJun 7, 2022
Photo print by Raymond Douillet

I simply cannot read what umair haque writes anymore these days. Especially in the evenings.

Can you?

Don’t get me wrong, he’s a highly intelligent writer, and he puts real facts into his work. I’ve followed his work for years now. He’s not wrong — on facts.

But his work gives me vivid nightmares. In the long run, I don’t want to see the world his words paint into being.

I’m choosing a new angle for my own approach. And it starts with the realization that the planet is not, in fact, dying. What’s dying is our old way of being on the planet.

No more do we get to do what we want, where we want, and how we want. It’s time to grow up and face the music. To find a way toward healthier interdependence.

And it’s going to be a hell of a ride!

If Doom is What You Expect?

Doom is what you will always get.

It freaks me the hell out to read such powerful words telling me to be afraid of what we both know is looming.

To be clear, I’m NOT here to put a positive spin on the situation. I AM here to say this story is bigger than either good or bad. It’s the ALL story…



Kaia Maeve

I teach corporate leaders how to keep their best people happy to come to work by building a healthier company culture.