Sitting Meditation Never Worked So Well For Me
Then I found out it was because I needed something different.
I started my martial arts career pretty young.
At 10 years of age, I was already on the mats of a dojang learning the arts of motion and stillness.
Studying energy and the relationship of form to energy eventually became one of my life-long pursuits.
Sitting Meditation Never Felt Good to Me
But I always wondered why seated meditation never seemed to make me calm. Instead, I sat with my restless mind constantly observing the bubbles of thought arise from the ground of my imagination, trying hard not to become attached to any of them.
I never arose from this seated practice feeling any sense of alignment. Instead, my body felt more like I had been stuck on a long, intercontinental flight, and it was time for me to move around and work out the kinks.
I wondered what the heck was wrong with me. And being one to pursue mastery, I doubled down on my efforts to make it work.
As if forcing a meditation practice ever worked for anyone. Ever.