So here’s the thing. Ok, fluoride affects the teeth. But we are not machines. We are living interactive beings.
Where are the studies that speak to the changes in the pineal gland and the associated calcification? Sure it might be a naturally occurring substance, but so are lots of things that have complex interactions on life and health.
Oh wait - here’s one:
TLDR: Pineal gland calcification is related to a reduced production of melatonin, which may negatively impact sleep cycles and overall health. In TCM there is a relationship between the health of the pineal gland to the soul. This neuroendicrine gland is also related to IQ.
I ask not as a conspiracy theorist. But as a physiology student.
Yet i wonder. How am I supposed to trust a system that consistently makes “health” choices that history shows to be less than optimal for long term well being?
Where the systems that inform the doctors make more profit from keeping people sick than they do in encouraging people to live lives where they stay well.
Stop shaming the questions. Stop hiding behind medical jargon and let’s have a REAL discussion here. With nuance.
What if fluoride is good for the teeth, but bad for sleep? Why does it have to be one or the other? That’s not how the universe works, y’all…