So I wrote this piece the other day when my Mom read a piece of mine here on Instagram. I 1000% feel your trauma here. But you know, sometimes getting to the point where you can heal enough to be whole enough to have THAT conversation is just another mile-marker in adulting.
I don’t post much on Facebook these days, but I have a list of people I hide posts from if I’m feeling too raw to share it with my opinionated and still important to me people. We all use the tools we need.
I believe you’ll get to the point where you can stand up for your work and have a thick enough skin to deal with your mom, the palpitations, and any disparagement she may have for your work.
You KNOW your work is good, and that it’s helping people. I read enough of your posts and the comments on them, and see your follower count growing.
You ARE on a solid path forward and in the end, your relationship with your self and your soul purpose will be far more important to you than what your mother thinks of your writing. Or even your daughter. I think it’s kind of a rite of passage, to take on when you feel ready for it.
The world is changing and the writing mothers of the world are gaining more power to do good every day. Just keep doing what you do and when you need it, the marketing help will come along to support you.
(Trust + Consistency + Self Belief + Love) > Fear.