Thanks for chiming in. I don’t object to analysis. 🧐
I read this book many years ago that talked a lot about how this history we were taught misses a lot of things. Undoubtedly the struggle to stay alive has created some sense of defensiveness by necessity.
But our history really mostly goes back to tell a story from when the written word began to be recorded. It skips the 10K or so years when civilization was forming pre-writing. You have to dig into archaeology to get that story. And it’s a different one.
If you’re up for it, check out the Chalice & the Blade. It shows a much more recent era where our culture shifted into what Dr. Eisler calls “the dominator mindset.” Only about 5k years back.
That’s what I was speaking to in this piece, specifically.
The injustices of this age, specifically the ones around money and power and gender, are NOT human nature. They’re just a culture clusterfuck. And I’m with you. It’d be nice to change some of them!