The Feminine Martial Arts vs The Masculine

It wasn’t until I started training with a Taoist Tantric Qigong practitioner that I learned the difference.

Kaia Maeve
8 min readJan 26, 2024
Photo by Hitomi Okushima on Unsplash

When I was 11 years old, I was challenged to break a cinder block with a palm-heel strike.

I was successful on my very first try.

That experience and many others at the dojang set me on a path to training in martial arts that has continued to this day. But in my 37 years of training my study has varied tremendously.

I went on to earn a second-degree black belt in Taekwondo, and a first-degree black belt in Tukong Moosul. I’ve studied Ipsun Tai Chi and Qigong in a variety of styles. I’ve spent months of my life in Korea, living and training with competitive teams.

I didn’t realize it, but all of my training in the beginning was definitely in the masculine arts. Even the “soft arts” were masculine.

What are “Masculine” Martial Arts?

Martial arts is more than simply physical exercise.

The masculine arts involve a merging of conscious awareness and breath with an intentional manipulation of energy. The force can be either hard or soft style. The practice is centered on the intention of the person…



Kaia Maeve
Kaia Maeve

Written by Kaia Maeve

Queen Bee of the #TechHippies. Divinely inspired. Dogma-avoidant. Peace Love Technology. #WebMakersCircle #Onelove

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