The only question is how. So true.
As a woman who was raised in and became part of the patriarchal way of thinking, I do not blame men for what happened in the past. But I will hold todays men AND women AND anyone no matter their gender as a social construct responsible for figuring out.. how.
What I know is that an overweening dependence on violence and domination is (a) not effective and (b) not aligned with nature.
Nature has a MIX of domination and partnership. Control and generative forces working in dynamic harmony. So this is where the clues to HOW lie, imho.
You have one of the most unique writing styles on Medium. Your dialogue with is fascinating and challenging.
In a fascinating twist, I’m a Nordic-ancestors, white skinned American woman who’s spent significant time studying and practicing the Korean martial arts. I’ve spent time in Busan & a little town called Samsong on the peninsula. Your assessment of the bifurcation of women very much matches what I’ve seen.
You may find this lecture interesting -
It describes the origin of this split - which I believe is in all of us. Not just women.
I wish you and your son and your whole family all the best in the how of change during these days of climate correction. What a world!