Member-only story
The Power of a Death Date
On angels, pregnancy, chance, and transition.
Her due date had come and passed long ago.
The little human spirit inside of her angelic womb just did not seem like it was EVER going to die and enter back into the spirit realms.
There had been that time 10 months ago when she thought for sure she was going into labor. Her human had flatlined in the place called the ER, and she had thought it was a sure thing.
But she was wrong.
Miraculously, the other humans had managed to stop the death process and put her human into a limbo period. Her labor had stalled, then stopped.
She didn’t fully understand what had happened, but somehow her spirit’s heart had not stopped beating for long enough to fully activate the transition from life to death.
So now she was just waiting.
She was trying to be patient.
She didn’t understand what was taking so long. How could this spirit want to stay in a body that could no longer move and was barely functioning?
He was being breathed by machines and his heart was being sparked by a little computer they had implanted inside of him.