There aren't really any "solutions," but there are many better ways of approaching public health.
Vaccines absolutely have a role to play. But personal health practice is another. Everyone SHOULD ideally have access to the basics that will let them be healthier - like clean air, water, and food. Choices you make about how you move your body, and what kinds of thoughts you allow to occupy your consciousness are the province of every person. Choices about what you eat and how you care for yourself are economically based, so if you're lucky, you CAN choose these things too. Exercise. Healthy diet. Communication. Community. Kindness.
If poor people had access to better choices, and if more peopel regardless of class actually made the choice to live in healthier ways, than less people who were hit with this thing would be dying in awful ways. This can be deduced from the terrible COVID results of people of lower income or social class. Co-morbidities, and who tends to have lots of them, is a result of another huge complex of shit.
Poor people aren't people anymore. They're commodities to be used in the markets of actual people. Its horrifying.
Also, people die. That's natural. But we also live in a fucking death-phobic culture. So no one knows how to die, and no one really deals very well with losing people. If you actually read the all-cause death report for the last 20 months, it should raise your eyebrows.
COVID is real. It's dangerous. And yet less people would be dying horrible deaths if our world weren't so messed up and people weren't so damn unhealthy and disconnected from nature.
Like I said, there are no clear-cut solutions.
But giving up agency over your physical body to the government, so they can mandate injections for you is definitely not a viable answer. Per my original comment in this thread, this is how liberty is lost.
The reality is, we're in the middle of a fucked-up, questionably-sourced pandemic that is killing people, right in the middle of an ecological crisis with full biospheric collapse going on by way of the 6th mass extinction. The media is pretty much chock full of lies with a few truths thrown in for the hell of it. And people are scared, angry, and enraged.
This year has also minted nearly 500 new billionaires. And there are multiple patents related to COVID testing and treatments behind much of that money.
The web is tangled indeed.
I don't thing depriving people of choice is a fucking viable answer.
How about you?