Vanessa you nailed this point.
I think oversimplification is one of the great ailments of our age. This happens in politics, how we’re taught about money, and of course dating and relationship.
I’ve been thinking a lot about where we are in the transition between the old world and the new.
The good news is, it’s hard to deny that positive change is happening.
But it’s also impossible to ignore the clinging malaise of the old guard trying desperately to hang on to the old world, and the power/identity they claimed as their own within it.
So, while oversimplification doesn’t really work to describe the archetypes of people you really DON’T want to date, if you dial it in to one or the other ends of the contextual spectrum, it makes more sense.
In plain speak, if you lean more towards the “woke” end of the spectrum, you’re more likely to eschew the stereotypes.
But if you are living in the past in your soul, the stereotypes might make more sense.
Some of us have just escaped the domination mindset a little more than others.
But since we’re speaking of it, no not all men crave your body over all else, and not all women lust for your money.
Let’s bring on the shading of meaning that gets lost in the pixelated world of the oversimplified stereotypes. 100% agree.