Very valid point. I didn’t say this was an easy path.
I suppose in an ideal world, working out the reason you or your partner might be hurting inside is a critical part of the equation. The relationship with self is of paramount importance in this game, or any other.
So by saying the home hearth has to be content and happy, this means both inside of each of our hearts, as well as inside of our primary relationship.
As a woman, I’ve found all sorts of things lurking inside that threaten the stability of our arrangement. Try living in the patriarchy and reprogramming oneself to feel deeply worthy, no matter what the outside world zeitgeist is. I’m sure it’s not easy as a man either. Or anyone for that matter.
The reason why I’m so challenged and excited to live in this kind of relationship is because it forces me to do my inner work. It forces us to have the hard conversations. It forces us to learn how to be human without shame. It’s not like my partner never pisses me off, or vice versa. It happens.
So yes. You’re right 100%. If we don’t do our inner work, we will never learn how to elevate above the drama that comes from a deep inner programming that tells us we are not enough.
But that’s the point. At least for me.
Thanks for the super thoughtful comment.
I don’t write this stuff to be loved by everyone. I write it to figure myself out and hopefully share the journey that it might help others do the same.