We have the good fortune of living on some land with woods around them, and no street frontage. And though we are only 15 minutes away from a downtown metropolis, (at least 15 minutes if it’s not traffic time) we have the luxury of raising our kids to have “country feet.” They can pelt down the gravel driveway full blast with no shoes on, no problem. They can climb trees and use tools (with supervision) and work to shape the land to fit their imagination.
We are the opposite of helicopter parents.
And I agree — we maybe all need to give our kids room to roam and discover.
And they’re up to date on their tetanus shots.
But we also ask our older son to whisper if our daughter is asleep. And I make sure that the full body launch jumps from windowsill, over couch, into the lovesac (beanbag) go feet first, so they don’t break their necks.
It’s all part of the package. Protect them, then let them jump where they will!