What if the policies stemmed from the false premise that humans exist outside of nature, and are somehow miraculously in charge?
I neither agree or disagree with your post. It was a fascinating read. And, ahem, I had no trouble finishing it. (Did that person really post that??)
I just feel like indigenous communities, small communities, etc… these folks all followed the rules of nature. This decline started, in my humble opinion, far before current policy took hold.
Have you read the work of Dr. Riane Eisler? Or seen/listened to her new podcast? She’s 92 and a holocaust survivor. She hasn’t given up yet.
Whether you write or don’t write, there is always hope. If you have a chance, check out my poem Life Divine. It all starts to make more sense when we realize we aren’t the ones in charge overall. Not as a religious thing, but simply as a reflection on the big picture.