Who Else Wants to See a Nikki Haley vs Marianne Williamson Election in 2024?

Let’s get some new leadership in charge. Please!

Kaia Maeve
2 min readDec 29, 2023
Photos from respective campaign sites

Can you imagine?

Two women winning their party primaries, going head to head for the office of President?

I can.

It’s about freakin time if I’m being honest.

What the media is NOT telling us

You may have heard that Nikki Haley is “surging” polling at 11% of Republicans surveyed. By surging, I guess they mean she is going up while DeSantis is tanking. Trump is still at an unfathomable 61.2% — but his chances of winning the general election are looking worse by the day.

But did you know that Marianne Williamson is polling at somewhere between 11% and 13% against Biden in the Democratic primary?

“You’d never know it from the corporate media coverage, but Marianne Williamson is Joe Biden’s stronger Democratic Party challenger by a mile,” says Briahna Joy Gray, the host of the Bad Faith podcast, who served as national press secretary for the 2020 Bernie Sanders campaign.

If our country was willing to take a risk in 2016 on a reality-show huckster, who’s been proven to be a sexual predator, a terrible…



Kaia Maeve
Kaia Maeve

Written by Kaia Maeve

Queen Bee of the #TechHippies. Divinely inspired. Dogma-avoidant. Peace Love Technology. #WebMakersCircle #Onelove

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