You bring up some really good points here.
I feel a lot of anger at the SYSTEMS of patriarchy that are coded into ALL of us, regardless of gender, race, or economic status. I think that in general blaming men for the patriarchy at large is counterproductive.
Sometimes in the face of experiencing patriarchal behaviors from another person, I fall into the trap of projecting my systemic anger on that individual person.
I also find that the more I fill my own oxygen tank, the less angry I get in the aforementioned situation.
But I also think there’s a huge difference between the violent, domination based anger we are taught within the system of patriarchy, and the hot clean flame of transformative anger that comes from love. The second kind has a purpose in writing, imho. The first is good for venting but not for creating change.
And all of these feelings are justified!
You’re right. Face to face communication is going to be much more effective as a tool of the change agents of the world. But it’s love that will ultimately make the difference.
As the first poet once said, “it is yours Inanna. All of it!”
Thanks for taking time to share!