Your point about human treatment of animals is correct Dr. Safina. But I would argue that you do not go far enough in your calling out of the horrific behaviors of humans towards nature.
We also rape the mountaintops and the shale fields. We rip the skin of Mother Earth off every time we clear cut an old growth forest. We poison the blood of our planet every time we dump agrochemicals into the water system. Yes, this is not some far off big evil corporation doing great evil, it is US time we buy a bottle of RoundUp to kill our weeds.
We must learn to treat the animals better. No argument there. But until we start caring for the living planet as a whole, we will continued down the numbed path of egregious destruction and death.
We may have the habit of hitting snooze, but at this point we’re doing it in a burning house.
It’s PAST time to wake up. I only hope enough of us are disrupted enough by our friend and ally COVID-19 to wake up and get moving now.
Anything else is going to be very ugly indeed.